High or low intensity PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy will pass completely through the body. Human biology has evolved in the Earth’s magnetic fields and responds to a wide range of magnetic field intensities. The key difference lies in the amount of charge in the magnetic field, which stimulates tissues as it passes through the body. This rapid magnetic charge excites damaged cells, prompting them to open up and expel toxins. Only high voltage machines can achieve this effect.
In essence, higher PEMF voltage is more effective when low voltage isn’t sufficient. High voltage PEMF also produces a sensation that patients can feel, providing reassurance that the device is working.
No, the FDA does require training by the manufacturer to use the machines properly. Cell-Health & Wellness offers free training and advanced training to its clients. If you encounter any problems or have questions, just email or call us. We have a doctor on staff ready to assist you.
The measurement of gauss or tesla varies among PEMF companies, and it’s difficult to verify the accuracy of these claims. The pulse is so brief and moves so fast that even some of the most expensive gauss meters cannot accurately record the peak power of the magnetic field. The body only needs 90 mV (millivolt) to open up the cell wall. The key factor is the speed of the pulse entering the body. Faster pulses and more frequent pulses are more effective as they reach more damaged cells quickly and penetrate deeper into the body. Thus, claims about higher gauss or tesla can be misleading.
PEMF can have a wide range of biological effects. Diet, lifestyle, activity level, hydration, general health, stress levels, and nutrition quality all contribute to how PEMF therapy will work and how you feel after sessions. PEMF exercise can help you feel energized, relieve pain, and promote relaxation. If you feel tired after a session, it may be due to a detox reaction. Resting and drinking plenty of fluids can support this detox process.
Everyone in the modern world can benefit from PEMF exercise due to environmental stresses that challenge optimal wellness. Today, our bodies rarely make direct contact with the earth, depriving us of its natural electromagnetic fields. PEMF is an external energy source that recharges stressed, underpowered cells, enabling them to meet the energy demands for optimal function.
Humans, horses, dogs, and cats can all benefit from PEMF therapy. Users include professional athletes, athletic trainers, “weekend warriors,” medical and rehabilitation facilities, medical practitioners, home users, and veterinarians.
No, this technology predates our great grandparents! The evolution of PEMF and “energy wellness” is based on Physicist Michael Faraday’s principle of magnetic induction. It was studied by Jacques-Arsène d’Arsonval, understood and harnessed by Nikola Tesla, and further developed by Georges Lakhovsky, Antoine Priore, and Giovanni Dotto. This technology is the basis for many modern health and wellness devices, such as ultrasound, electrical stimulation, laser, and sound therapy.
With over 30 years of combined experience, our team at Cell-Health & Wellness are experts in PEMF technology. Our unique loop applicators, special pulse discharge rates, PEMF expertise, consistent customer/technical support, and unparalleled results set us apart from other devices on the market.
Since gaining FDA approval in 1979, PEMF therapy has been used in clinical practice to address orthopedic conditions, including bone formation, non-unions, osteoarthritis, and more.
PEMF therapy is popular among professional athletes for its effectiveness in promoting tissue healing, pain management, enhancing mobility, accelerating recovery, and providing a non-invasive treatment alternative. Athletes seek PEMF devices to support their health, performance, and longevity.
PEMF therapy is safe and provides immediate relief. It addresses acute pain, post-surgical symptoms, and chronic conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia. It improves range of motion, mobility, and flexibility, enhancing musculoskeletal function and accelerating natural healing processes. By reducing pain, swelling, and inflammation, PEMF therapy also improves mood and overall quality of life.
PEMF therapy offers similar benefits for animals as it does for humans. It can alleviate pain and inflammation, enhance circulation, expedite healing processes, improve performance, and increase range of motion, speed, and strength. Read more about the many benefits PEMF Therapy has for animals Here.
Yes, PEMF therapy is generally considered safe when used as directed. It is non-invasive and does not involve drugs or surgery. However, follow the manufacturer’s instructions and consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are pregnant.
Disclaimer: This site makes no medical claims, guarantees or promises of a ‘cure’. No medical advice, treatment, or promises will never be given by the Manufacturer or Cell Health and Wellness. Cell Health and wellness is a DBA of GetPulsed. If you have health questions, please consult your Practitioner before using.
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